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An award for an industry leader, who had excelled in a leadership role in the agricultural and the deciduous fruit (pome and stone) environment over an extended period on a strategic level. The main purpose of this award is:

  • To motivate industry leaders to commit themselves to excel in their leadership in strategic, management and/or operational industry activities and to set an example for other stakeholders.
  • To promote the interests of the deciduous fruit producers on a national and international basis and to enhance the image, profile, and products of the deciduous fruit industry.
  • To establish and maintain unity and collaboration within the fruit industry.
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Selection and motivation

Nominations should be submitted to with a short motivational letter containing the following:

  • Level of contributions delivered by the nominee over years.
  • Impact of this contribution by the nominee on producers or deciduous fruit industries or his/her institution.
  • Other reasons for nomination to be considered.

Entry date: 15 March 2025 – 15 May 2025
Prize:  R15 000 and certificate
Judging panel: Hortgro Senior Management Team



An award that gives recognition to any individual(s) who made an exceptional impact on the industry in any sphere. Including but not restricted to economics, transformation, training, governance, value chain, export/marketing, trade relations.

The main purpose of this reward is to:

  • Motivate industry stakeholders to “go above and beyond” in their specific fields of expertise over an extended period.
  • To acknowledge strategic impact on agriculture in general, but specifically the pome fruit and stone fruit industries.
  • To establish pride and encourage excellence in the deciduous fruit industry.
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Selection and motivation

Nominations should be submitted to with a short motivational letter containing the following:

  • Level and scope of contribution of individual(s).
  • Impact of this contribution.
  • Any other reasons for consideration.

Entry date: 15 March 2025 – 15 May 2025
Prize: 1662 Award Trophy
Judging panel: Hortgro Senior Management Team



An award that gives recognition to any person(s)/group(s) that made an impact in the transformation sphere of the deciduous fruit industry value chain; and showed exceptional performance and commitment.

The main purpose of this reward is to:

  • Motivate people/groups that work in the transformation sphere of the deciduous fruit industry to commit themselves to continuously perform above expectations.
  • To recognize people/groups in the deciduous (pome/stone) value chain as examples for their peers.
  • To promote the interests of and work together with other deciduous fruit stakeholders and value chain players.
  • To enhance the image, profile, and products of the deciduous fruit industry in general.
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Selection and motivation

Nominations should be submitted to with a short motivational letter containing the following:

  • Description on scope and nature of business.
  • Level and scope of contribution of individual(s). Please supply examples.
  • Impact contribution. Breakthroughs, initiatives, successes, or impact of his/her business on the general deciduous fruit industry value chain over at least 10? Years.
  • Any other reasons for consideration.

Entry date:  15 March 2025 – 15 May 2025
Prize: Certificate and overseas study tour as approved by Hortgro
Judging panel: Hortgro Senior Management Team



An award that gives recognition of excellence to any individual(s) in the sphere (project or programme) of research, science, and technology or in recognition of a lifetime contribution in science, research, and technology.

The main purpose of this award is:

  • To motivate individuals and teams/programmes in the deciduous fruit industry to do research/ discover/invent/find or advise on solutions/products that will enhance the deciduous fruit industry’s progress and development.
  • Motivate stakeholders in the sphere of research, technology, and science to commit themselves to perform above expectations.
  • To enhance the image, profile and products of the deciduous fruit industry in general and in the global science and technology field.
  • To increase profitability and return on investment for the industry.
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Selection and motivation

Nominations should be submitted to with a short motivational letter containing the following:

  • Description of the work/discovery/invention/findings/research that enhanced the deciduous fruit industry.
  • Level and scope of contribution of individual(s). Please supply examples.
  • Industry impact of this contribution; ROI if possible.
  • Any other reasons for consideration.

Entry date: 15 March 2025 – 15 May 2025
Prize:  Certificate and overseas study tour as approved by Hortgro
Judging panel: Hortgro Senior Management Team



A special award to a person(s) that has made an outstanding contribution to the deciduous fruit industry, either by long life service (min 20 years) or that achieved exceptional accolades in their area of expertise/work within the industry and industry service structures. Any current/previous industry officials and/or Hortgro member of staff who work within the industry, may be nominated.

The main purpose of this award is:

  • To recognise the contribution of and to motivate individuals who work in the deciduous fruit industry to commit themselves to a career within the industry and/or to excel and make an impact in their respective areas of work.
  • To enhance the image of the deciduous fruit industry in general.
  • To build human capital and industry knowledge base.
2025 Dark

Selection and motivation

Nominations should be submitted to with a short motivational letter containing the following:

  • Number of years served at either Hortgro/deciduous fruit industry.
  • Different positions held while serving the industry.
  • Impact made.
  • Any other reasons for consideration.

Entry date:  15 March 2025 – 15 May 2025
Prize:  Chairperson’s Trophy
Judging panel: Pome and Stone Chairperson



An award for outstanding journalism in and on the deciduous fruit (pome/stone) industry. The deciduous fruit industry’s merit award for Journalism is focused to ensure continuous and constructive engagement between the fruit industry and the media.

The main purpose of this award is:

  • To motivate the media to convey the functions and activities of the industry as efficiently as possible to all role players in the target market.
  • To promote the interests of the deciduous fruit producers on a national and international basis and to enhance the image and products of the fruit industry.
  • To enhance the variety of excellent qualities and health value of fruit.
  • To establish and maintain continuous unity and commitment within the fruit industry.


The winner will be selected based on the following:

  • Strategic: Articles, features and reports that could influence the future of the fruit industry in SA on the long term.
  • Operational: Covering continuous activities of general agricultural activities.
  • Hard news: short-term, hard-hitting news issues.
  • Creativeness – Is the insertion new, original, and easy to read/understand?
  • Best possible contribution to promote and enhance the image of the deciduous fruit industry.
  • Dynamics, extent, and topicality of insertion.
  • Is it well written along with the necessary technical finishing touches?
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How to Enter

Entrants are required to submit articles that has been published or broadcasted between 1 April 2024 and 30 April 2025.

  • Print entrants should submit one master copy of each article (no photocopies).
  • Radio entries should be submitted by SD/USB.
  • Television entries should be submitted by SD/USB, containing one cast each.
  • Advertorials cannot be entered for the competition.

Each entry must have a covering letter with the name and address of the entrant as well as the name and address of the employer, telephone numbers of the business as well as home telephone numbers with dialling codes and title(s) of each article or report.

The material and entry forms must be packaged and transmitted in one envelope/holder per nomination. Use a separate envelope/holder for each nomination.

No nomination material will be returned. 

For all entries: clearly marked Izethelo

PO Box 163, Paarl, 7620 
258 Main Road, PAARL, 7620. 
Tel: (021) 870 2950/ 082 770 7858

Further inquiries: Elise-Marie Steenkamp

Closing date: 30 April 2025. No late entries will be accepted.
Prize:  Cash
Judging panel: The entries and nominations will be judged by a Hortgro committee. The judges are chosen in terms of their knowledge of the fruit industry, the art of writing and/or communication media. The decision of the judges is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. The judges reserve the right to withhold the prize depending on the merit of the entries.

Entry Regulations

NB: Please follow up to confirm that your entry has been received.

The announcement of the winner and the handing over of this award will take place at the Hortgro Awards on 12 September 2025.

Any journalist, author, publisher, or media/communication division can participate. The industry maintains the right to postpone or terminate the competition due to unforeseen circumstances.


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Previous year’s Winners and Awards

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